Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag Class Total number of occurrences Tag strings used by tag class
@todo 0 @todo

Each tag is detailed below:


Number of occurrences found in the code: 9

au.gov.amsa.ais.NmeaStreamProcessor Line
else report error, might need to change signature of listener to handle problem with multi-line message 118
au.gov.amsa.ais.message.AisShipStaticUtil Line
unit tests 5
au.gov.amsa.ais.rx.NmeaGzToCsvMain Line
add latencySeconds 89
add latencySeconds 110
au.gov.amsa.ais.rx.Streams Line
decode 185
latency 190
au.gov.amsa.util.nmea.NmeaMessageParser Line
validate message using checksum 48
decide what value to put here 52
au.gov.amsa.util.nmea.saver.NmeaSaver Line
monitor the count of these JIRA ER-2878 could not parse the message, ignore log.warn(e.getMessage() + ":" + line, e); 110